The mission of God
in the hands of ordinary people.
Seeing Practical Transformation Through Cultural Change
Be equipped to move beyond theory and put discipleship tools into practice in your context
What is BDC?
Building a Discipling Culture (BDC) is the rediscovery of how to be disciples who know how to multiply.
The BDC process is focused on training and equipping church leaders to see cultural change and disciples that multiply in their church. Across an initial one-year period a Senior Leader join a cohort with other Senior Leaders in 15 collaborative online Coaching Clusters with an experienced practitioner coach. Leaders are equipped with all the tools and skills they need for discipling people to faith in Jesus and training other disciple-makers. An optional second year is then available that builds on this shared learning that focuses on shaping a culture of discipleship in a local context
and making the shift from “ministry activities and programs” to missional impact.
15 x Coaching Clusters
1 hr/every 2 weeks
Facilitated environment to learn and process how you are applying and implementing the tools for discipleship, mission and multiplication.
BDC Intensives
2X 2-day training workshops
Further training input and an environment where leaders and 3-8 members of their leadership teams can learn and strategize together to building a discipling culture in their own context.
Our Team and You, Working Together
A yearly immersive learning partnership for Christian leaders
The Offer
The BDC training process costs $1500 per year, invoiced annually. One additional key ministry leader from your church is an additional $750. The BDC Intensives cost $100 per person and are open to 3-8 other key leaders from your church.
What’s Included
- Our investment in you to equip you to disciple leaders in your context
- 15 Coaching Cluster sessions per year with a dedicated coach
- Peer learning and challenge
- Full access to the online BDC discipleship resources
- 2X BDC Intensives
- An optional second year for further coaching
What’s Expected:
- Senior leader actively participate in Coaching Cluster sessions and BDC Intensives
- Invite 3-8 leadership team members to the Intensives
- Set the goal of multiplying Coaching Clusters within your community
- Collect and submit impact data to evaluate effectiveness of the initiative every 6 months during and for 2 years after your participation